short vowel a puzzle Flash Card Games
Short Vowel A Puzzle
Short Vowel A Word List Includes: Bag, Bat, Camp, Can, Cat, Dad, Fan, Gas, Ham, Hand, Hat, Jam, Mad, Man, Map, Nap, Pan, Plant, Rat, Sad, Sand, Taxi, Trash, Van.
Information: Short Vowel A, The Letter A, Short A Sound.
(Print, Cut, Laminate!)
long vowel a puzzle Flash Card Games
Long Vowel A Puzzle
Long Vowel A Word List: Tape, Cage, Cake, Gate, Late, Page, Snail, Brain, Mail, Nail, Paint, Rain, Tray, Way, Day, Play, Pray, Weight, Eight, Freighter, Sleigh.
Information: Long Vowel A, The Letter A, Long A Sound. CVCe Words, AY Words, EIGHT Words. (Print, Cut, Laminate!)
short vowel e puzzle Flash Card Games
Short Vowel E Puzzle
Short Vowel E Word List: Bed, Bell, Bread, Dead, Dress, Egg, Elf, Hen, Leg, Nest, Net, Pen, Red, Sled, Vest, Web.
Information: Short Vowel E, The Letter E, Short E Sound.
(Print, Cut, Laminate!)
long vowel e puzzle Flash Card Games
Long Vowel E Puzzle
Long Vowel E Puzzle Word List: Baby, Beach, Beak, Bee, Bunny, Cheek, Cheese, Clean, Deer, Green, Jeep, Leaf, Party, Puppy, Queen, Read, Seal, Seed, Sheep, Sleep, Sunny, Teeth, Three, Tree, Wheel
Information: Long Vowel E Puzzle. Match the picture with the long vowel 'E' word. (Print, Cut, Play!)
short vowel i puzzle Flash Card Games
Short Vowel I Puzzle
Short Vowel I Puzzle Word List: Crib, Dig, Drill, Drink, Fish, Gift, Kick, Kid, King, Kiss, Milk, Pig, Pink, Quilt, Ring, Sing, Six, Slip, Spring, Swim, Wig
Information: Long Vowel E Puzzle. Match the picture with the long vowel I word. (Print, Cut, Play!)
long vowel i puzzle Flash Card Games
Long Vowel I Puzzle
Long Vowel I Puzzle Word List: Bike, Bride, Cry, Dime, Dive, Fire, Five, Fly, Hike, Hive, Ice, Kite, Knight, Light, Night, Nine, Pie, Sky, Tie, Time, Tire
Information: Long Vowel I Puzzle. Match the picture with the long vowel I word. (Print, Cut, Play!)
short vowel o puzzle Flash Card Games
Short Vowel O Puzzle
Short Vowel O Puzzle Word List: Block, Box, Clock, Cop, Dock, Doll, Dot, Drop, Fox, Hot, Lock, Mom, Mop, Ox, Pond, Rock, Sock, Stop
Information: Short Vowel O Puzzle. Match the picture with the short vowel O word. (Print, Cut, Play!)
long vowel o puzzle Flash Card Games
Long Vowel O Puzzle
Long Vowel O Puzzle Word List: Boat, Bone, Coat, Cold, Crow, Globe, Goat, Gold, Hole, Home, Nose, Phone, Rope, Rose, Smoke, Snow, Stove, Vote, Troll
Information: Long Vowel O Puzzle. Match the picture with the long vowel O word. (Print, Cut, Play!)
short vowel u puzzle Flash Card Games
Short Vowel U Puzzle
Short Vowel U Puzzle Word List: Brush, Bug, Bus, Cup, Cut, Drum, Duck, Dunk, Gum, Hug, Jump, Luck, Mud, Nut, Plug, Rug, Run, Skunk, Sun, Truck, Up
Information: Short Vowel U Puzzle. Match the picture with the short vowel U word. (Print, Cut, Play!)
long vowel u puzzle Flash Card Games
Long Vowel U Puzzle
Long Vowel U Puzzle Word List: Argue, Cube, Cute, Fuel, Future, Huge, Human, Humid, Mule, Museum, Music, Pew, Rescue, Uniform
Information: Long Vowel U Puzzle. Match the picture with the long vowel U word. (Print, Cut, Play!)
long vowel sounds Flash Card Games
Long Vowel Sounds Matching Game
Long Vowel Sounds Matching Game Word List: Snake, Mail, Cake, Cane, Pail, Lake, Baseball, Grapes, Paint, Rake, Plane, Tank, Teeth, Bee, Feet, Tree, Pea, Sleep, Beak, Beetle, Sweep, Leaf, Queen, Cheese, Kite, Bike, Lightning, Fire, Five, Blind, Ice, Cry, Mice, Slide, Bone, Phone, Globe, Robe, Nose, Road, Coat, Rose, Snow, Bow, Hose, Bowling, Music, Utensils, Unicorn, Mule, Cube.
Information: Long Vowel Sounds, Long A Sound, Long E Sound, Long I Sound, Long O Sound, Long U Sound. (Print, Cut, Laminate!)
noun matching game Flash Card Games
Noun Matching Game
Noun Matching Game Word List: Apple, Acorn, Balloon, Cake, City, Donut, Elephant, Eagle, Fish, Guitar, Giraffe, Horse, Igloo, Ice, Jam, Kite, Lion, Monkey, Nest, Octopus, Ocean, Piano, Queen, Rake, Saw, Tent, Umbrella, Unicorn, Vest, Wagon, X-Ray, Yo-Yo, Zoo.
Information: Common Nouns Matching Game. Match the word to the picture. (Print, Cut, Laminate!)
land animals matching game Flash Card Games
Land Animals Matching Game
Land Animals Matching Game Word List: Armadillo, Baboon, Bunny, Cat, Elephant, Elk, Bear, Buffalo, Cheetah, Dog, Fox, Giraffe, Gorilla, Groundhog, Laughing Hyena, Jaguar, Lion, Moose, Hippopotamus, Horse, Kangaroo, Koala, Orangutan, Otter, Panda, Panther, Polar Bear, Porcupine, Squirrel, Tiger, Raccoon, Rhinoceros, Wolf, Zebra
Information: Land Animals Matching Game. Match the word to the picture.
(Print, Cut, Laminate!)

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